HostGator Hosting Review – A SCAM Web Hosting Provider! STAY AWAY!!!
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HostGator is a web hosting company that has a long and wide reputation as a result of its all-purpose Web hosting and competent support. Hostgator is not the cheapest web host, but it offers to you a wide array of services and features that are suitable for all your needs. Hostgator offers both the Windows Web hosting and Linux Web hosting in different tiered plans. Hostgator is well known in the hosting industry, and it is found to be one of the popular choices of people interested in choosing a Web host company.
What Should I Expect?
- Both Windows and Linux hosting
- Hostgator offers a wide array of hosting plans that are suitable for any website
- Hostgator uses cPanel for Linux and the Plesk for Windows
- Hostgator offers you numerous hosting features if you are an advanced user or a beginner
- Its provide support for a variety of scripting languages, and it is a great choice for Reseller hosting
- Hostgator provides a great customer support be it through email, live chat or telephone
- Hostgator has come with new WordPress hosting plans. Hence, it offers an improved Web hosting
Have you heard that Hostgator now has the MOJO Marketplace integrated into their web hosting directly? Yes, it has, and the beautiful thing about the MOJO Marketplace is, it gives users direct and quick access to the code, themes, scripts, and services. As earlier said, HostGator is a popular Web hosting site, as the Hostgator website has got a new face lift couples with a responsive design and an improved look. Not only this, HostGator has greatly improved their checkout process thereby making online orders easier. Making a purchase of a new hosting plan on Hostgator is now very efficient and streamlined. Also, HostGator now has their own state of the art data center in Texas, Houston to be precise. That is they do not share a data center with blue host anymore. Hostgator is back again, and it has modified its VPS hosting plans to fit better their customers need. Don’t you love Hostgator already?
HostGator offers a large variety of hosting solutions. They offer many features and plan to the extent that you will get confused with choosing the plan to go for. Below is a quick list of their basic hosting plans with their prices.
Shared Hosting
• Hatchling, the price is $5.56/month
It is recommended for a small website, a basic shared web hosting.
• Baby, the price is $7.96/month
Works for multiple websites, with additional features.
• Business, the price is $11.96/month
It’s the highest tier plan with more features and better performance.
WordPress Hosting
• Starter, the price is $7.46/month
It is a new hosting plan made specially designed for a small WordPress site.
• Standard, the price is $11.16/month
It allows two WordPress sites with better performance.
VPS Hosting
• Snappy 500, the price is $11.97/month
This plan is very basic, and yet it is an affordable VPS hosting plan.
• Snappy 1000, the price is $33.97/month
It’s a VPS hosting plan with cPanel, and it performs better.
• Snappy 2000, the price is $57.97/month
This plan is meant for midsize sites as it is a midrange VPS hosting plan.
Dedicated Server Hosting
• Basic, the price is $105/month
It is a basic dedicated server for users who has high traffic website.
• Standard, the price is $132/month
It’s a decimated server with better performance
• Elite, the price is $168/month
This plan is a high performance dedicated server for large sites.
The pricing listed above is just the HostGator’s introductory rate assuming you selected the three-year term. Hostgator uses a tiered payment plan with different pricing depending on the term you select. That is the longer term you sign up for, the cheaper your monthly cost is. From the prices, one can see that their shared hosting plan is more expensive than others when looking at a one-year term, but their three-year term is priced competitively. In terms of their VPS hosting plan, the Snappy 500 is well priced but it is a limited VPS plan, and it doesn’t come with cPanel. If you are in the market for a more affordable shared hosting plan, HostGator may not be the right choice for you.
Hostgator uses cPanel for their Linux plans; cPanel is the standard control panel that most Web hosts use. The Hostgator cPanel is typical to other Web hosts, but theirs comes with ads on the left sidebar. Hostgator has a special offers tab, and it is the first thing you will see when you open the control panel. But you can always hide it by minimizing the tab.